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Welcome to Cromwell EGB Group

Endurance GB Local Group for Northamptonshire, Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire.

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Who are we?

Welcome to the website of the Cromwell Group of Endurance GB. We are a local subgroup of Endurance GB, the governing body for competitive long distance riding in Great Britain​, who run regular long distance rides across the UK.


We organising rides to cater for all levels of ability, whether you simply want to compete occasionally at local events or aim eventually for top class and international competition. It doesn't matter what breed or size horse or pony you have, there are rides and events for everyone!


Endurance riding is inclusive for the whole family, with non riding partners and family members often being involved as back-up crew, and is a great way to meet other like minded people. If  you're not ready to compete on your horse, we have training events you can attend and our ride organisers are always looking for volunteers. Volunteering at a ride is a great way to get involved and learn the sport without the pressure of taking your horse along! 


We're always happy to help, so should you need more information, or want to join in, please contact us!

Sign up to our marketing list to be the first to know about what's going on in the group! 

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