I use a biomechanical approach when I assess and coach in all of my lessons. This means I combine the horse and riders’ capabilities to get their best performance.
Over the years of using this unique approach, I am yet to find a horse with which it does not work well, as every horse has responded well, even the most challenging ones.
Once you understand the why, the how becomes easier.
I offer fun, easy and memorable sessions to help strengthen and condition horse and rider to improve overall performance.
BTEC level 3 extended diploma in horse management.
CPD for creating rider symmetry to improve performance.
CPD for applied Biomechanics.
On the same day the Cromwell group are running a training ride, with three routes, 18km, 13km or 5km of well-kept 10m wide grass margins and some cracking hills.
Spend some time on core development, mental focus, body conditioning and attitude development as well as straightness and accuracy. You’ll be able to warm your ponies up in the polework clinic, then head out on your planned distance, or just come and attend either option offered.
To book your space and for more information head here.
